Saturday 6 August 2011

stop from being a nosy person

watch this video first:


dimulakan dengan bismillah disudahi dengan alhamdulillah...begitulah sehari dalam hidup kita, moga-moga dirahmati Allah..
sorry for my trouble horrible voice...but do i care that if you annoyed to hear it (macam depa dengar je). its my voice and i'm proud with my voice, because it's Allah gift. hee~sewel sebentar penangan tak dapat jawab pqs tadi. ahh!! ok, done.

so, are you fine today? hope all of you in pink of health! amiin~owh ya...alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah again and again and again for His kindness by give me a time again and again to continue my life in this world while increase my pahala and faith.,what's topic that i want to share with you all today? like always i said sharing is caring~ to show my caring again (how many again i want to write?)  i would like to share about a nosy people or a busybodies or kaki penyibuk.

anda pernah tak berkawan or jumpa or kenal dengan mana-mana orang yang suka menyibuk? pernah?pernah? kalau tak pernah bersyukurlah..kalau pernah anda mesti faham macam mana perasaan saya bila terpaksa berkawan dengan seorang kaki sibuk, kan? kan? kan? bak kata shahrincool kalau nak menyibuk biarlah menyibuk yang positif jangan menyibuk yang negatif. yang positif? macam mana tu? ce terang, ce terang. ok,ok,ok...chillax dulu. menyibuk positif ni macam ni, contoh la kawan kita tak datang sekolah tiba-tiba, sedangkan selama kita kenal dia, dia tak pernah ponteng sekolah walau sekali pun. tak kiralah masa demam biasa ke, demam kepialu ke, dan segala jenis demam yang pernah dia rasa, dia tetap datang sekolah (lemah betul antibody). so, masa ni lah kita nak amalkan or pergunakan sifat menyibuk kita ni pada arah landasan yang positif, dengan bertanya pada orang lain sebab dia tak datang atau pergi rumah dia terus, tanya dekat dia sendiri kenapa dia tak datang sekolah. kan molek bebeno tu... this is a kind of positive busybodies. not like this...

A: eh, B kau ada dengar tak C kena tangkap dengan cikgu sebab dating belakang surau sekolah?
B: ada, ada, ada...teruk betul C tu. belakang surau pun jadi.
A: huh! C tu muka ja baik tapi perangai tak senonoh.
B: betul..betul..betul. aku setuju tu.

ha!!this is not a positive busybody. this is a negative busybody. they busybody about a negative thing (more to mengumpat la). so, to everyone who think that, they are a people is always busybody about other, about their negative thing, not their positive thing. please~listen's annoying! pelase change~~~ you live in this world not just to think about your own feeling but also about others feeling. understand? others, feel that a people who love keep being a negative busybody, is annoying. A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G. so, start from now for those a busybody person i encourage you to throw away your annoying negative busybody and lets change it to a postive busybody. ok, my dear brothers and sisters? thats all for today~'alaikumsalam. by the way, my exam officialy end today. i'm feel free for a while. but, yeah my revision will keep continues. no more rest shuhaida! i need to keep studying and studying~~


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